The Bible remains the best selling book of all time because it is the Word of God to a fallen planet, and those who have ears to hear seek His Words - like sheep seek their Shepherd.
An entertaining and quick witted storyteller, Ed has brought the Word of God to life for children throughout his thirty-five-plus year journey with the Lord. His alter-ego wild west gold prospector, Clementine Jones, has galloped into Sunday Schools and special children's ministry events with his customary,
"Yee-HAW! Thar's GOLD in that thar' Bible!"
. . . and was joined in the journey by his wife, Kathryn - Miss Kathy of The Writer's Reverie - in her Biblical storytelling alter ego personality of Wanda Wordwise Jones - Clementine's wife and fellow companion in digging out golden nuggets of God's truth to share with one and all.
Slower days, of late, have brought Ed to a new season in the journey - journaling - in a place of quiet and contemplation. Ed shares the story of what it took to put him on this pathway in his opening Sheep's Pen post. Click HERE for the details of Reading the Red and Praying the Power.
Today, with composition books and pen at hand, Ed enjoys exploring fresh grazing meadows in Bible study - in quietness and contemplation. The Sheep's Pen is his way of sharing his heart in the love of the Lord and the light of His Word - the fruits of his devotional journey.